

SHEN Kunling

Beijing Children Hospital

Shanghai Second Medical University affiliated Xinhua Hospital

Chongqing Medical University affiliated Children Hospital

Guangzhou Children Hospital

Nanjing Children Hospital


Objective: The aim of the study is to compare the efficacy and tolerability of a single dose of Children��s Motrin® Suspension Liquid or Suspension Drop Vs Dipyrone Injectable used as antipyretics in febrile children.

Methods: This was a double blind, single dose, multi-center, parallel, randomized study. All eligible subjects were randomized to Dipyrone or Ibuprofen treated group.  The dosage ranged from 6.3~9.4mg/kg for each group. For efficacy analysis, the onset of action, the duration of action, the difference of temperature from baseline, the analgesic effect and the investigator��s overall impression of each treatment were analyzed. For tolerability evaluation, all adverse experience during the 8 hours period of study was analyzed. All statistical tests were two-sided at significance level of 0.05.

Results: The demographic data of the Motrin group and the Dipyrone group were comparable. As comparing the efficacy data, the overall antipyretic effect of Motrin group was 99.3% which was superior to 88.6% of Dipyrone group, p<0.05. The result showed that time at onset of antipyretic effect, which was defined as the earliest time that the temperature was³1.0 degree centigrade below baseline, is earlier in Motrin group(1.16��0.10h) than in Dipyrone group(1.68��0.15h), p<0.05. In Motrin group duration of antipyretic effect was almost up to 8 hours which was longer than in Dipyrone group, p<0.05. The maximum temperature decline (2.30��0.65��C) was larger in Motrin group than in Dipyrone group(1.85��0.82��C), p<0.05. Accordingly, the maximum percentage of decline was larger in Motrin group(88.3��26.3%) than in Dipyrone group(69.7��30.2%), p<0.05. The overall appraisal by investigator was significantly better in Motrin group than that in Dipyrone group, p<0.05. Each group had good effect on pain relief after medication, p<0.05. No adverse experience occurred.

Conclusions:  Children��s Motrin® suspension liquid and drop were highly effective and safe for children��s fever, which in turn became the better choice in the clinical practice in pediatric emergency unit.