Derman O1, Kanbur O. N1, Kinik E1

1 Hacettepe University, Ihsan Dogramaci Children Hospital, Adolescent Unit, Ankara, Turkey


Objective: Enuresis exits in adolescents can cause problem in social development and relationship. Our goal is to determine the factors that predict the effectiveness of desmopressin in the treatment of adolescent nocturnal enuresis.

Methods: 20 adolescents (16 boys, 4 girls) with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis were treated with oral desmopressin for 3 months, starting with 0.2 mg per oral at night and controlling the symptoms every 2 weeks. After this period, desmopressin was used the day alternatively and the dose was reduced gradually. The treatment was completed for 6 months. Before treatment, a range of variables (family history of enuresis, educational levels of parents, number of children, first child in family, birth weight ) were recorded. Urine osmolarity was evaluated for the effectiveness of desmopressin treatment.

Results: Disappearance of bedwetting by using desmopressin has been observed in adolescent where they have a high urine osmolarity. We did not observe any relapse during reducing desmopressin dose gradually, but after cessating the treatment completely, relapses were begun to seen. Six months after the end of the therapy, we can not find any patient who recover completely.

Conclusion: Desmopressin seems to be effective in the treatment of primary en��resis nocturnia during the period of treatment but during the long-term follow-up, it is seen that the relapses were seen in all cases.