Ahmed E. Essa, Mahmoud M. Mostafa

Department of Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of using anorectal myectomy technique in the treatment of ultrashort Hirschsprung��s disease (HD).

Methods: 24 infants and children suffering from chronic constipation and abdominal distension with or without fecal soiling since birth, admitted to the pediatric surgical department at Assiut university hospital were included. Their aged varied from 3 months to 2 years (male 20 and female 4). The criteria for diagnosis of ultrashort HD were based on barium enema where dilated rectum was seen and rectal biopsy showed the absence of ganglionic cells. All cases fulfilled these criteria.

Results: The clinical improvement of the cases after anorectal myectomy was satisfactory in all the cases except 4 minor complications in 2 cases. These cases represent 1/6 of cases of congenital megacolon were treated by the classic surgical operation at the same period.

Conclusion: Anorectal myectomuy is a safe, simple, easy procedure and is not associated with major complications. Also it doesn��t interfere with subsequent pullthrough ooeration later on if required. It is curative for the properly selected cases of ultrashort HD.