Guslihan Dasa Tjipta
Department of Child Health �C Faculty of Medicine
University of North Sumatera �C Medan, Indonesia
Since be introduced by Virginia Apgar in the last four
decade, Apgar Score is still used to assess newborn clinical status. In the
preceding study, it is assumed that maturity factor indicated by
anthropometry parameter, medicine for mother, anestnetic used in labor and
the person who assess the Apgar score influence the obtained apgar score.
This research aims to study the relationship between anthropometry
parameter and apgar score for the normal newborn at RS HAM and RSP Medan
since February up to April 2001. The sample were drawn from the spontaneous
newborn in the gestational age of 28 �C 42 weeks without antenatal and labor
complication, did not born with any action, mother did not take or use
medicine that cause respiratory depression and without congenital defect.
There are significant relationship between the first minutes Apgar Score
and the length of feet, head and chest measurement i.e r = 0.341, r =
0.0340 and r = 0.264, respectively and the significant relationship between
the first five minutes and the length of body (r = 0.207) for the
gestational age of 37 �C 42 weeks. While there is insignificant relationship
for the gestational age 28 �C 36 weeks. The relationship between Apgar Score
component and anthropometry parameter only be indicated to the newborn with
gestational age of 37 �C 42 weeks, i.e. between the respon to stimulant and
head measurement (r = 0.259) for the first minutes and between respiration
and weight (r = 0.285) in the first five minutes by the significant level
of p 0.05.