Nguyen Dinh Hai

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Nhan Dan Gia Dinh Hospital, Vietnam


Objectives: A prospective study was carried out to: 1) Evaluate the change of Pxin the comparison with that of PaSO2, Shunt and AaDPO2, Shunt and AaDPO2, in the acute respiratory failure. 2) Follow up the response in the treatment of acute respiratory failurre.

Patients and methods: 2 groups of patients from 1 to 15 years of age (cardiac and anemic patients are excluded); -Group 1:40 patients with acute respiratory failure the due to pulmonary diseases. �CGroup 2:40 healthy children. All patients with acute respiratory failure received oxygen and an adequate management.

Results: 1) In slightly acute respiratory failure (ARF) (10 cases): most Px is within the normal range, a few cases increase slightly where as PaO2 decreases ro 90-80mmHg, total Shunt elevates to 8-15%, AaDPO2 increases to 11-20 mmHg. 2) In moderately acute respiratory failure (ARF) (20 cases), most Px increases slightly. While PaoO2 decrease ro 80-60 mmHg, Shunt increase to 16-35% AaDPO2, increase to 21-40mmHg, 3) In severely acute respiratory failure (ARF) (10 cases): All of Px decrease moderately, the PaO2 decrease below 60mmHg, Shunt increase above 35%, AaDPO2 increase above 40 mmHg.

Conclusion: Oxgen extraction tension Px is an index that reflects the combined effect of the arterial PO2 value, the Oxygen content and Hb Oxygen affinity: 1) Inslightly ARF, Px remain the same or decrease slightly, Px decrease significantly only in moderate and severely ARF. Whereas PaO2, total Shunt and AaDPO2 change more significantly substantially, 2) When ARF is over, Px return to normal range more slowly than PaO2, Shunt and AaDPO2. A lowered oxygen extraction tension Px is a high risk factor.