EEG OF CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PARALYSIS Shi Rongfu, Tian Jie, Sun Suzhen, Tang Hongxia, Wang Keling Shijiazhuang, China Objective: To study the change of QEEG on cerebral
paralysis (CP) treated with scopolamine and compared with control group, we
will detect the role of scopolamine in the treatment of CP. Methods: Select 60 cases in all whose age varied from 6
months to 2 years. Select 20 cases with non-CP and non-CNS diseases as
control group, we Select 40 cases of CP as treatment group. They are
divided into two groups at random. 20 of them are treated with mixture
energy and citicoline as general treatment group, 20 cases with CP as
scopolamine treated group, they are treated with scopolamine besides
mixture energy and citicoline. The dosage of scopolamine is 0.03mg/kg.d-1
bid, IH. The control group recorded EEG only once, the others are recorded
two times before and after treatment respectively. Ten of them are recorded
on 5, 10, 15, 30, 40, 45 minutes after used scopolamine. Then we select
about 40 seconds EEG having no interrupting on �� sleep period and figure
out the ��,��,��,��waves�� power and count out the highest power and
take in T-test to compare if there is a difference between pre-treatment
and after treatment. Results: 1. The mean power in control group is 7.61��1.23, the CP
group is 12.85��1.87, the latter is much higher than the former. T=14.2, p��0.01. 2. There is no obvious difference between pre-treatment and after
treatment in general treatment group, in treatment group with scopolamine,
the mean power before treatment is 13.75��0.72, after treatment, the mean power is 10.05��0.87, the latter is much lower than the former.
t=13.50. p��0.01. 3.the power of each conductor in CP group started to rise on 5
minutes after using scopolamine, on 20 minutes the power reached highest,
on 40 minutes it decreased slowly. Conclusion: This study has shown
that the power in the EEG of CP group is much higher than non-CP group,
after treated with scopolamine, it decreased obviously and closed to the
control group.