S. Benomar, N. Nejjari

Intensive Care and Neonatology Unit, Casablanca Children��s Hospital, Morocco


Tetanus is one of the greatest health problem in developing countries. In Morocco, Immunization of women at age of procreation started in 1989, has reduce this disease. From January 1990 to December 2000, 53 cases of neonatal tetanus are admitted in the Intensive Care and Neonatology Unit in Casablanca children��s hospital. The objectives of this retrospective study are: Analysis of epidemiologic situation, the evaluation of the vaccination program on the onset of neonatal telanus and the cost of the mamagement of these patients.

Results: 34 newborns were admitted between 1990-1995 and 19 between 1996-2000, followed pregnancy and medical delivery were noted respectively in 5 and 6cases, None of women was appropriately protected by tetanus immunization during pregnancy-No sterilized medical supplies was used in 36 cases with ombilical application of traditional products in 22 cases Management of the neonatal tetanus was based on: serotherapy, antibiotic, sedation (Diazepam, Midazolam and Curares). Mechanical ventilation was needed in 43%. The overall mortality rate is 60%.

Attention is called on a prophylaxies policy focused on immunization and health education which will solve the resolution of this acute public health problem with bad prognosis and heavy cost.