Milovanovic B.1, Djurovic S.2

1 Health Center, Obstetrics Hospital, Krushevac, Yugoslavia

2 Health Center, Children��s Hospital, Krushevac, Yugoslavia


Objective: In the course of examining pregnant women we noticed the presence of cystis in the ovaries of unborn. We aroused us attention and deeper interest in monitoring such pregnancies as well as the growth of cystis all the way to delivery and whole year after that.

Methods: Apart from regular ultrasound check-ups (in every three weeks). Tu marker CA 125 was being used before and after the birth. In the course of pregnancy, Tu marker CA 125 and level of ��-fetoprotheins, estradiol, progesteron and testosteron determined by amniocentesis. The same analysis were done on the serum of infants blood in their 3rd, 6th and 12thmonth.

Results: In the last five years (1995-2000) we come across two cases (ovarial cystis) out of 10983 deliveries. Out of 10983 deliveries 5897 were with baby girls. There was a two fetus with cystis in the ovaries. The fetus growth and development as well as the growth of cystical tumour were being observed by ultrasound. In bouth cases the cyst was situated in the left ovary. In one fetus the cyst appeard in the 21st W.G. and in the other in the 23rd W.G. Their volumen was increasing until the 36th W.G., when it stagnated all the way to delivery.

During the first year the ovarial cysts showed the tendency of decreasing. In the first case it totally disappeard by the 10th month and in the second by the 14th. Children��s psyhosomatic development was normal. Blood test and ultrasound result were within satisfactory limits.

Conclusion: The growth and development of both fetuses went on as expected. No changes were observed in children��s psychosomatic development during the first year. The ovarial abnormalities disappeared by the end of the 14th month in both cases.