AND ACUTE COAGULATING DISORDERS IN PATIENT WITH SERIOUS INFECTIONS DISEASES Do Thi Minh Cam, Nguyen Cong Khanh, Cung Thi Ty National Institute of Pediatrics (Nip), Hanoi,
Vietnam Objectives:
To study Thrombocytopenia and acute coagulation
disorders in patients with serious infections. Materials
and methods: Platelet count and coagulation disorders were
observed in 74 patients under 15 years old, among then 13 cases had septic
shock and 61 cases had symptomps of bacterial infections. -The coagulation status of the patients was
messured on the automatic coagulation analyser ACL 100.
(PT-fibrinogen-APTT-TT) -Platelet count was accountered on Hycel-680
machine -Latex D-Dimer test Results: -Thrombocytopenia: 66.2% of cases. -Prolonged prothrombin time (PT): 68.9% of cases -Prolonged APTT: 72.8% of cases. -Prolonged thrombin time (TT): 56.8% of cases. -F.D.P.>5µg/ml:54.1%
of cases There were 20 patients with Disseminated
Intravascular Coagulation (27% of cases) and 3 patients with acute fibrinolysis
(4.1% of cases) Conclusion:
Almost patients with septic shock and bacterial
sepsis have had thrombocytopenia and abnormal coagulation, 27% of cases had
DIC and 4.1% had acute fibrinolysis. DIC and fibrinolysis were more
frequent in patients with septic shock and bacterial sepsis with positive
of blood culture.