CHILDHOOD LEUKEMIAS AND LYMPHOMAS Ahmed, K. Mansour, *Osama, Elbaz,**Nabil
Abdel-Razik, Hesham Abdel-Hady*and Abeer Ismael* Hematology-Oncology Unit, Department of Pediatrics,
*& Clinical Pathology Department**, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Egypt Chemotherapy-induced
thrombocytopenia is a major risk factor in cancer treatment, The
thrombocytopenic cpisodes during the course of chemotherapy treatment may
cause life threatening hemorrhages, also they may lead to delay of
anticancer therapy or drug reduction. The serum levels of TPO, IL-6 and
IL-11 were assayed by immunoreactive methods in 39 patients, diagnosed as
acute leukemias (23 patients) and lymphomas (16 patient) at diagnosis and
after induction chemotherapy as will as 20 normal children, as a control
group. Patients with acute leukemia were
found to have a high serum level of TPO, correlated with the
thrombocytopenia present in these patients both before and after chemotherapy.
A statistically significant difference in the serum level of TPO levels,
between these patients and the control group was present (P=0.000 in ALL
group and P=0.001 in ANLL group). Also, a non significant difference in the
TPO level before chemotherapy and its level after chemotherapy was present.
(p=0.28 in ALL group and p=0.09 in ANLL group) While in patients with
Hodgkin��s disease and those with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, TPO level showed no
significant difference from the control group whether before or
after chemotherapy and this was correlated with the normal platelet count
in those patients. As regared
IL-6 and IL-1, the serum levels did not show any significant change in
patients with ALL and AML whether before and after chemotherapy, however, a
significant rise in IL-6 and IL-11 levels were observed in patients with HD
and NHL both before and after chemotherapy. (p=0.005 and 0.008 for HD
group) (p=0.000 and 0.013 for NHL group) .