Steman-v.d. Slot I., Hartog-Dammer J.W.

Infant Ward, Emma Children��s Hospital, AMC, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Objective:The team meetings showed that all the employees of the department wanted to nominate the patients review as the subject for quality control. The nursing tasks are performed on an individual basis. This process hardly has any consulting or discussion. We wanted a structure that would lead towards a better continuity in the care. We came to the following question: How can we maintain a structured work method both within the nursing team as well as interdisciplinary. This leaded towards the target of changing the nursing patients review into a well structured meeting environment which would deal with predefined aspects. Both the nursing values, patient values and organizationel value would be the basis of this.

Methods:The department orientated review following the adjusted CBO method, was central in this approach. A workgroup was created to monitor the whole process. By following the nursing quality control principles of Norma Lang the patients review meeting was introduced on the department. Data werecollected on the way the process was put in the place. After choosing the subject we defined and agreed on values and criteria. The criteria were hold against the RUMBA rules. (Relevant,Understandable, Measurable, Behavioral, Attainable). The testing was performed by a quiz. Based on this result adjustment took place and conclusions were made.

Results:After going trough all the fases we started the structure patient review meeting on our Infant Ward. First by members of the workgroup, there after all nurses of the ward were allowed to not only have a review meeting, but also to participate one . At this moment the review meetings are kept on a regular basis and are seen as very valuable.

Conclusions:The nursing patient review meetings fulfill a need. However the preparation of the meeting takes more attention and time. The main benefit would be the increased clarity which is created, also towards the parents. Specific problems are better adressed and will be dealt with in a more efficient way. A clear point of attention needs to be filling out the nursing��s patient history as this would be considered the basis of the nursing patient review meeting.

The Norma Lang methodology turned out to be very valuable for the ward related research toward the real situations.