Bossowski A., Urban M., Gardziejczyk M.

2nd Department of Children��s Diseases, Medical Academy, Białystok, Poland


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible cardiac and vascular alterations induced by growth hormone treatment in GH �C deficient children.

Methods: The group of children consisted of long and short �C term GH treated patients. They were evaluated after 14,4 �� 8,6 months of treatment with GH 16,4 �� 6,1 I.U./m2/week (n=15) and after 51��15,3 months with GH 16,7 �� 8,7 I.U./m2/week (n=8). Investigations included M-mode, 2D and Doppler �C echocardiography to determine full cardiovascular performance (Hewlett-Packard 4500).

Results: In a short �C term treated group we found statistically different body weight, lower dimension of the pulmonary artery (PA), higher peak velocity in PA (VP) and statistically higher peak velocity of pulmonary venous flow (PVF) during ventricular systole (S) in compared to the controls.  In children evaluated after a long time of treatment we found no differences in weight between GH �C treated group and controls. We found statistically lower IVRT, A/E ratio (peak velocity during atrial systole (A) / peak velocity of the early filling (E) �C measured from the mitral flow) and statistically higher peak velocity of PVF during ventricular systole (S) in comparison to the controls. Left ventricle mass (LVM), as well as ejection fraction was higher than in short �C term GH treated children, but not statistically signifficant.

Conclusion:  Short �C term GH treatment in children with GH deficiency does not cause important changes to the heart. Long term treatment can increase systolic function and probably can cause improvement of left ventricular diastolic function.