90% and PaO2��50 mmHg for 12-24 h. Results: 39 neonates in nCPAP (54 cases) and 17 neonates in bCPAP (31 cases) completely recovered and did not require mechanical ventilation. 15 neonates in nCPAP and 14 in bCPAP required me-chanical ventilation because SpO2<85% when FiO2>0.5 for 24 h and developed respiratory failure. None in nCPAP and 6 neonates in bCPAP had pneumothorax. Conclusions: nCPAP had less mechanical ventilation dependence and pneumothorax than bCPAP in these neonates with respiratory insufficiency. (Supported by Shanghai Bureau of Health Grant) " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">2336