Mohammad Ahmad Al Bahy, Osama R. Al Safy
Obestet/Gynec. and Pediatrics Departments, Faculty of Medicine,
Suez Canal University, Ismailia, and zagazig University , Egypt
The present study was carried out to detect the
prevalence of congenital toxoplasmosis among the newborns delivered at
Ismailia Univerity Hospital and Zagazig University Hospital, and to reveal
some factors related to the spread of this infection. The study included
1200 cord blood samples taken randomly from the newborns immediately after
delivery. A case sheet was taken from each case including full obstetric
history of the mother together with complete clinical examination of the
newborns. Each blood sample was analyzed for toxoplasma IgG and IgM
antibodies using ELISA. Positive cases for IgM antibodies were subjected to
eye examination. Skull
ultrasonography and CT scan for assessment of the clinical complications of
congenital toxoplasmosis . It was found that 56 cases (4.5 %) and 19 cases
(1.5%) out of 1200 cases were positive for IgG and IgM antibodies,
respectively. Out of the IgM seropositive newborns, 12cases should
pathognomonic complications in the form of either hydrocephalus,
occular (convergence
squint) and / or abdominal (jaundice and splenomegaly) manifestations.
Statistical analysis of the factoros related to
toxoplasmosis reveald
significant relation to connect of mothers with cats, their illins during
pregnancy (fever and lymphadenopathy) and the occurrence of congenital
anomalies in the newborns. It was concluded that congenital toxoplasmosis
among newborn in Ismailia and Zagazg City is not uncommon, and search for
IgG and IgM antibodies before and / during pregnancy is recommented
espesialy in high risk groups.