THROMBOEMBOLISMS IN THAI PEDIATRIC PATIENTS: A REPORT OF 100 EPISODESChuansumrit A, Chiemchanya S, Khowsathit P, Supapanachart S, Hongeng S, Hathirat P
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital,
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Objective: To analyze the etiology, management and
outcome of Thai pediatric patients with thromboembolism. Methods: A retrospective study of patients admitted at the
Department of Pediatric, Ramathibodi Hospital from 1987 to 2000, was
conducted. Results: Total 86 patients with 100
thromboembolisms were enrolled in the study. The sites of thromboembolism
were in the venous sinus or arteries of the central nervous system 27%; the
skin with necrosis, 23%; deep vein of the extremities, 17%; the toes and
fingers with gangrene, 14%; and other sites such as the heart and lugs,
19%. Most of the patients had
triggering conditions (69%) including endothelial injury, stasis of blood and
alteration of coagulation factors.
Factor V Leiden and prothrombin 20210 were not found among 20 studied
patients; however, low levels of antithrombin III, protein C or protein S
were found in 39% (22/57) of the patients. Most of these were transient except for three who were diagnosed
with homozygous (n=2) and heterozygous (n=1) protein C deficiency. The management included
administration of standard heparin or low molecular weight heparin, if not
contraindicated replacement of fresh frozen plasma 10 ml/kg twice a day and
treatment of triggering and underlying conditions. The fatality rate was 14% (12/86). Subsequent episodes of
thromboembolism were found in 8 patients who did not receive appropriate
management. Conclusion: Comprehensive investigation and specific treatment for pediatric
patients are emphasized in order to prevent recurring thromboembolic
episodes. |