Urgancı N1, Hatipoglu S1,
Meral G1, Uyar T2, Nuhoglu A1
1Department of Pediatrics
2Blood Products Center
Sisli Etfal Training and
Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
Objective: Our aim was to evaluate
the prevalence of hepatitis C antibodies among 0-14 years old children.
Methods: Totally 1560 children
were included into the study. 743 of the cases were female (47.63%), 817 of
them were male (52.37%) and the mean age was 8.51 +/- 5.02.
Results: Among the 1506 cases
anti-HCV antibodies were positive only in two cases (0.13%). One of the
cases was female and the other was male. HIV antibodies and HCV RNA were
found to be negative in both of them. There wasn��t any history for jaundice
in these two cases. One of them was 11 and the other was 12 years old, so
there might be an increase in the seropositivity depending on the increase
of age. Beside this, inappropriate and unsterile venous or arterial
punctures, injections, circumcision might be risk factors for the
seropositivity of unknown source.
Conclusion: As HCV infection is
transmitted mainly by parenteral route and as there is not yet any
effective immunization against HCV, any of the invasive medical procedures
should be performed strictly according to the rules of antisepsis.