Aftab Yusuf Raj
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical
University, Bangladesh
Aims and objectives of the study: To find out:
The etiological
factors leading to perinatal asphyxia
The risk factors of
pregnancy related to perinatal asphyxia
The relationship of
Apgar score with high risk pregnancies
To see the
neurological defecit and long term sequelae of asphyxiated babies
The effect of
nutritional status of newborn babies on Apgar score
Relationship of
nutritional status of pregnant mothers with perinatal asphyxia
Method: The study was carried out on 112 newborn babies
irrespective of their gestational age, birth weight, whether they were
asphyxiated or not. Pregnant mothers included in the study were randomly selected,
examined and events occuring during pregnancies were recorded properly to
evaluate the risk factors related to perinatal asphyxia. The newborn babies
of all mothers were included in the study, the severity of perinatal
asphyxia was assessed by Apgar scoring. 112 newborn babies were grouped
into two groups; one was regarded as asphyxiated and another group as
nonasphyxiated. The babies were followed up at home as well as in the place
of study for assessment of mental and physical development.
Results: 112 newborn babies born in community were
studied. 57.14% of the babies were male and 42.86% were female, with a male
to female ratio of 1.33: 1. Out of total 112 babies, 50% were asphyxiated
at birth. Amongst the asphyxiated babies, 55.4% were of normal birth
weight. More asphyxiated babies were in the birth-weight range of (2.6_
3.0) kg. There is preponderance of perinatal asphyxia in female child over
male babies. Babies whose birth length was less then 50cm and OFC less then
35 cm were more asphyxiated. Amonght the asphyxiated babies 57.1% came from
poor socio-economic condition. Mothers whose weight was less then 50 kg,
gave birth to babies who were more asphyxiated. Risk factors like
hypertension, edema, jaundice, leaking membrane were found in the mothers
and all are related to more incidence of perinatal asphyxia. 36 babies came
for follow up. Amongst the asphyxiated babies who came for follow-up,
35.29% babies were found to have various form of handicap and 65% babies
develop normally.
Conclusion: This prospective study of 112 cases of newborn was an approach
towards finding the etiology risk factors causing perinatal asphyxia, the
effect of perinatal asphyxia and its long term sequalae. As more than 80%
of our deliveries are conducted by TBA, S, it is necessery to increase the
knowledge of traditional birth attendants and their skill to manage the
home deliveries. To reduce the incidence of perinatal asphyxia proper
attention should be given to the mother during pregnancy and labour. Risk
factors in pregnancy should be detected and must be treated properly. In
our country, proper training
of the birth attendants regarding safe delivery, adequate resuscitation of
asphyxiated babies, early identification of risk factors of pregnancy, will
help a great number of asphyxiated babies to lead normal life.