Gonz��lez-Vite M, Novales-Castro X, Ayala-Zavala M, Torres-Falf��n MD, Cruz-Olivo F

Hospital General Centro M��dico Nacional La Raza, IMSS, M��xico


Rosai-Dorfman disease or sinus histiocytosis with massive limphadenopathy is a well-recognized disorder whose typical clinical characteristics included massive painless cervical, axilary, inguinal and mediastinal limphadenopathy. Extranodal manifestation of the disease is well documented. Its pathogenesis is uncertain and is thought to be a disorder of immune regulation or a response to a presumed infection. The diagnosis is currently definite by histological features.

Case report: We observed a 13 years old male adolescent with progressive right submandibular limphadenopathy. A chest roentgenogram and complete blood cell count were normal. However the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was prolonged and quantitative serum inmunoglobulins levels were elevated. Then, a lymph node biopsy was performed. The affected lymph node showed a distinct histological morphology with dilated sinus, which was filled with numerous histiocytes showing large clear cytoplasm and a marked lymphocytophagocytosis. With these histological features the diagnosis was confirmed. During the following months limphadenopathy continued to progress with additional involvement of cervical, inguinal and mediastinal lymphs nodes. He received prednisone with transient result. Then, the patient received 3 miu of interferon ��-2b two times a week for 10 months. His adenopathy was reduced by about 90% by volume.

Discussion: Rosai-Dorfman disease is an uncommon proliferative disorder of histiocytes. Most patients do not require specific therapy and can expect spontaneous regression. At present, treatment using interferon may be indicated for patients with persistent or progressive disease. We started an interferon treatment with good results until now.