Hasanova G, Velieva G

Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan


It is found that at new-borns the acidity of gactric juice is provided not by HCI, but by milk acid, which doesn��t make optimal pH for activity of stomach;s proteases. Owing to this, we decided to study how the protein��s digestion happens at milk age.

Objective: The experiments were made on 38 puppies at the age of 2-3, 12 and 20 days.

Methods: The proteolytic activity of different secretor spheres of gastric mucosa was investigated by the method of dick-electrophoresis on PAAH. For the exposure of proteolytic active fractions the hels were incubated into 0,1% of haemoglobin solution in 1M CH3COONa-HCI buffer at pH 1,0, 5,2, 7,0 and 8,5 during 3 hours with the temperature 370C, washed with water, fixed during 1 hour and painted. Against the dark background of haemoglobin, which was penetrated into hel, there were seen the light lines of proteases splintered the haemoglobin. The hels densitometrated. We determined the proteolytic activity proteases�� isoforms by the way of weigh on torsion scale the densitogram parts, which are suitable to separate fractions. The results received by pH 1,0 were taken as control.

Results: As appeared there were additional gastric proteases activated during the weakening of acid reaction of environment at early postnatal ontogenesis. At 12 days old the number of proteases reached 10 and at the age of 20 days it decreased. The maximum quantity of isoforms was found put at pH 5,2.

Conclusion: The investigated additional proteases isofractions can be considered as the consequence of adaptation to the only food of this period --mother milk.