Georgieva-Shakola M, Tzaneva V, Atanassova A*

Clinic of Pediatric Endocrinol & Gastroenterol, Clinic of Hepatogastroenterol*, University Hospital ��St. Marina��, Varna, Bulgaria


Objective: Gallstone disease (GD) is an uncommon disorder in children & adolescents. Litholysis treatment using drugs as the ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) requires confirmation in childhood. Study��s aim was to reveal the role of UDCA in the treatment of children with GD (cholesterol stones).

Methods: In 1998-2000 the diagnosis cholesterol GD was proved in 8 pts. (5-18y.) (5 M. & 3 F.) by clinical, laboratory, ultrasonographic & gallbladder spot film radiographic investigation. Ultrasonographic signs were: stones < 15 mm, free ductus choledochus, open ductus cysticus, gallbladder < half full of stones. Radiographically gallstones consisted mainly of cholesterol (without calcium salts). The dosage of UDCA was calculated according to body weight - 5-10mg/kg/24h bidtime. After 3 months & 6 months there were clinical, laboratory & ultrasonographic controls.

Results: After 3 months treatment in 6/8 the clinical symptoms were ameliorated: abdominal pain (2/8), jaundice (0/5), dyspeptic symptoms (7/8). After 6 months there weren��t gallstones in the gallbladder ultrasonographically. There didn��t note any side effects.

Conclusion:   UDCA is an useful drug in the treatment of GD in children & adolescents. Acceptance of UDCA therapy by the children is excellent.