Djumabekov TA, Nurmagambetova BK, Gurkabaeva BD, Zikeyeva
AV, Aitmagambetova SR
Hospital ��1, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Objectives: To
determine efficiency of a medicine Instenon, improving metabolic processes
in a central nervous system for patients with a burn trauma complicated
with encephalopathy of hypoxic and toxic henesis.
Methods: 34
children at the age from 6 months to 14 years were involved in examination.
The area of an injury varied from 10% to 62%. Consciousness disturbances of
a different damage rate were observed for 26 children with encephalopathy. 4 children were in coma of I-II degree, another 4 ones
had II-III degree of it and were transferred to the
artificial lung. All
children had wide and fine tremor upper and inferior limbs, also chin
tremor and possibility of spasmotic syndrome. Together with antishock
therapy Instenon was prescribed intravenously, 1 time per day with 5% glucosa solution: children younger
1 year - 1 ml/day, children elder 1
year - 2 ml/day.
Results: Functions of the central nervous system were quickly
recovered. Consciousness was recovered with coma recovery for 2-3 days. The spontaneous breathing and function of
cardiovascular system were recovered quickly.
Conclusion: Using Instenon
in treatment of patients with burns complicated with encephalopathy,
provided of a general condition improvement and also critical condition
recovery on 2 day. In the result of this lethality was lowered, staying
patients in clinic was reduced by 3 days. That allows to use Instenon
widely for that patients treatment.