1 year were offered 3 doses of pertussis toxoid alone. Results: From June 1995 through February 1999, 167,810 doses of pertussis toxoid were given to 61,219 children (56 % of all children born during the 1990s). The number of Bordetella pertussis isolates declined from 1,200 to 64 per year (P<0.0001) and hospitalizations due to pertussis from 62 to 4 per year (P<0.0001). Significant decreases in B.pertussis isolates and hospitalizations occurred in all age groups including nonvaccinated infants and adults. Conclusion: Vaccination of children decreased transmission of the causative organism and gave indirect protection against pertussis to nonvaccinated individuals. " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">1990