Kiraly B., Andits M., Oroszlan Gy.
Markusovszky Teaching Hospital
Szombathely, Hungary
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of Uro-VaxomÒ treatment among children with recurrent urinary tract
infections (UTI).
Patients and methods: 20 children (age 2 �C18 year) who had at least 3 UTI during a one
year period were enrolled into the study. Uro-VaxomÒ treatment was started after
initial laboratory and microbiological investigations. Renal ultrasound and
voiding cystogram were also made in all cases. The prophylactic dose of
Uro-VaxomÒ was 1 capsule/die for 90 consecutive days. The patients were
followed up for a one year period. The number of recurrences and the use of
antibiotics were registered.
Results: The number of
recurrences of the UTIs was 3,64/patient/year before Uro-VaxomÒ treatment. The number of
recidives was reduced to 1,04/patient/year during and after the Uro-VaxomÒ treatment. The difference was
strongly significant (p<
0,001). The recidive free period was 18,2 week/patient/year before
treatment vs. 37,66 week/patient/year after treatment (p< 0,001). Antibiotic therapy was indicated 3,12
times/patient/year before Uro-VaxomÒ treatment whereas only
1,04times/patient/year during the study period. Escherichia coli was
isolated as the most common pathogen. No side effects were observed during
the study period.
Conclusion: Uro-VaxomÒ serves as an
effective adjuvant therapy for the treatment of recurrent UTI in children.
The number of recurrence of UTI is significantly reduced in the Uro-VaxomÒ treated group. The administration
of Uro-VaxomÒ is safe, no side effects were observed during its use.