0.10). The weight, waistline and size of buttocks was reduced 3.3��4.2Kg, 4.1��2.9cm,3.1��2.6cm in treated group, and increased 2.6��3.4Kg,1.7��1.9cm,1.5��2.3cm in controls respectively. In treated group the level of fast insulin, triglyceride was 28.3��14.6Iu/ml,157.8��34.7mg/dl before being treated, and 9.6 ��3.7 Iu/ml,83.2��28.7mg/dl after being treated. The changes of fast insulin and triglyceride level were of statistical significance (p<0.001). Conclusion: Dietetic behavior therapy was effective to treat simple obesity of children. The children were willing to accept dietetic behavior therapy. To study on behavior therapy deeply may be beneficial to treat obesity. " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">1861