Cai JH, Gan LF, Yu SHC

Children��s Hospital, Chongqing University of Medical Sciences, Chongqing, China


Congenital Indifference to Pain is a autosomal recessive inherrited disease. In the syndrome responses to painful stimuli is absent. Failure to apropriate pain leads to repeated trauma and burns. Fractures may go undetected for a long time, which can lead to severe disabilities. We report the clinical history and radiographies of a three-year-old boy with Congenital Indifference to Pain. The only symptom or sign is a swelling of soft tissue around the right knee. Radiographic examination showed irregularity and lytic areas of the metaphysis and abundant callus formation around bilateral knee joints. There's fregmentation, sclerosis and flat-shaped deformation in the right calcaneus, which are similar to the Avascular Necrosis. These changes are the results of stress and trauma which are often unrecognized and, if not treated, may cause progressive destruction. So, once a localized soft-tissue swelling, warmth,and hyperemia of the extremity, especially around the joint, are found, radiographies should be obtained. Early recognition should lead to immobolization, and severe complications can be avoided.