Manjavidze I, Kerkadze L, Mchedlishvili I, Pagava K

Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Objective: To reveal the frequency of arterial pressure increase (API) in 12-14 years old adolescents.

Methods: The study was carried out in secondary schools. Adolescents were investigated three times consecutively in the mornings. In one year the persons with API were reinvestigated. Together with the general medical examination, the adolescents filled out the special questionnaires in order to evaluate their neurotism and anxiety. In total there were observed 1102 adolescents, 598 girls and 594 boys. 447 were pupils of the specialized vocational schools (mathematical �C 141, music �C 146, sports �C 160), the rest (655) �C of normal general schools.

Results: API frequency was 6.9��0.6%, ��tracking�� was observed in 57.1��5.6%. Gender influence was not revealed. The highest prevalence was observed in pupils of special mathematical schools (13.4��2.8%). The least prevalence was in pupils of music schools (4.1��1.3%). There was significant correlation between high levels of anxiety and neurotism and API (r=0.72).

Conclusion: Hypertension in young adolescents is often protracted. A high academical loading as well as neurotism and anxiety can be considered as important risk factors for development of API.