1Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong, China

2The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China


Objectives: More extremely low birth weight (ELBW, <1000gm) infants survive through childhood with advances in perinatal and neonatal care, though most of them may have subsequent medical and psychosocial problems requiring special attention and care on returning home. Recovering from the stress in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the mothers of these children will be facing another transition upon resuming the full-time parental role in their own homes. Studies have addressed to the stress and coping of parents in the NICU and mothers�� solution in child-rearing for normal children respectively. Little discussion has been made on the parents�� experience of rearing an ELBW child at home during the preschool years.

Methods: This qualitative research explores the lived experience of the Hong Kong Chinese mothers of ELBW children during the preschool years. Confidential interactive interviews are conducted to invited mothers who have established relationships of trust with the researcher. Non-directive broad open-ended questions are asked to allow in-depth descriptions of the experience and feelings in total. All the interviews are audio taped and verbatim transcribed with the field notes made after the interview to identify the non-verbal communication. Data collection, coding and analysis are jointly conducted to allow the initial analysis provide theoretical guide to the subsequent interviews.

Results & Conclusions: The presentation will report the preliminary properties and categories emerged from the data. Mothers�� stress and coping upon the child-rearing problems and their help-seeking patterns will be discussed. The findings hopefully will provide information for planning of community services including healthcare and in particular nursing care for parents in pediatrics.