Rumba I., Biķis E., Remberga S.
Faculty of Medecine, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Objective: To follow up children health care
indices in Latvia.
Methods: epidemiological, statistical methods
were applied.
Results: During last three years birth rate in
Latvia is not stable. From 1987-1998 number of newborns has been decresed
by 2,3 times, now is slow increasing again up to 7,5 per 1000. The total
number of newborns is 18410 in 2000 (Yearbook of health Care statistics in
Latvia, Riga, 2000). The natural growth in Latvia stills negative (-6,5)
per 1000. The life expectancy among men��s �C 63,5 years, among women��s �C
74,6 years. Infants mortality rate is slowly decreasing during last decade
(11,4 per 1000). Main causes of death are perinatal conditions (hypoxia),
infections, accidents. Among 1 st year of life main diseases are
respiratory system diseases, and birth trauma. Perinatal care network in
Latvia is organized. Brest feeding in Latvia has been increasing during
last decade. During first three month��s of life brestfeeding percentage is
32,4%, during 6 month��s of life �C 27,5%. The primary health care for
children provided mostly by general practitioners. Latvia children health
indices suggest that organization of health care should be of high
Conclusion: The pediatricians shouls play key
role in children healthcare in countries with negative demographic balance.