Kural N1, Dinleyici EC1,
Ilhan H2, Kaya T3
Department of Pediatric
Nephrology1, Pediatric Surgery2 and Radiology3,
Osmangazi University
Faculty of Medicine, Eskisehir, Turkey
association is clinical entities which includes vertebral defects, anal
atresia, tracheooesophageal fistula with atresia, renal anomalies and
radial upper limb dysplasia. In this report a ten-year-old boy who was
diagnosed as VATER association with anal atresia, vertebral anomalies and renal
anomalies. He was operated due to anal atresia during the new-born period.
Evaluation for the vertebral anomalies demonstrated sacral dysgenesis,
coccyx agenesis and spina bifida at the C7 level. He was admitted to
pediatric surgery with encopresis but on examination. He had hypertension.
His abdominal ultrasonography demonstrates unilateral
hydroureteronephrosis. Intravenous pyelography, DMSA and DTPA examinations
revealed as non-functional right kidney. Right ureterovesical obstruction
was demonstrated with cystoscopy. Nephrectomy had done because of his blood
pressure levels were irregular. Clinical spectrum of the VATER association
is variable. If each of the component of this association detect, renal
malformations must be evaluated carefully.