Hirsch R.; Komesu F; Ralli H.;
Rubinstein C.; Picollo M.; Azserzon A.
Muñiz Hospital (infectious and
pediatria), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Objective: Analyse the incidence of bronquiectasias in V.I.H. A.I.D.S.
pediatric patients.
Methods: The Pediatric Unit of patients whose
inmune system is involved in A.I.D.S. at the Hospital makes a permanent
follow-up of 98 children, out of which five children presented
bronquiectasias, as a cause and/or consequence of their hospitalization,
where the lung complications represented the 78% of the cause of our
Results: four female patients �Ctwo aged 8 for
fourth and only hospitalization, one aged 7 with six hospitalizations, one
aged 5 with three hospitalizations, one boy aged 12 with seven
hospitalizations, all of them with V.I.H. A.I.D.S. through vertical
transmission. Given the international incidence of bronquiectasias between
0,6-1,5/10.000 and the findings 5%.
Conclusion: The children with A.I.D.S. through
vertical transmission under study present the 5% of bronquiectasias in
children over 5 years, 100% of the cases-8,33% of the population that has
been followed up(60 children). The complications appeared in children that
had previously suffered pneumonias and others without previous antecedents,
without knowing if they had been the cause or the consequence of the
illness. It is advisable in these cases to prolong to a minimun of 14 days
the administration AB(ceftrizona) to V.I.H. patients affected with
pneumonia, for prevention until the particular case is cleared up.