Amaro-Hernandez L1, Gomez-Gonzalez A2, Padilla Sanchez L3, Disilvio Lopez M4

1 National Medical Center ��20 de Noviembre��, Social Security and Services to State Workers Institute

2 National Telehealth Program, Social Security and Services to State Workers Institute

3 General Medical Sub-direction, Social Security and Services to State Workers Institute

4 Education and Research Sub-direction, Social Security and Services to State Workers Institute, Mexico


In the end of the last century, new applications of telecommunications and computer technology pass the border of the interchange medical opinions face to face , by telemedicine and telehealth programs, including video, audio and data with additional equipment of diagnosis, that support the process of diagnosis, second opinion and treatment  distance less.

The Mexican Country have many problems with the morphology of the geo, the translates of the patients in many cases are long time to short distance,  with this platform, The Social Security and Services to State Workers Institute (ISSSTE), implant in 1995 the National Telehealth Program, with a network via satellite with 16 states including in this net, the principal hospital is in the national capitol, and is National Control Center, other Regional Control Center have in the north of the country, in addition 14 remotes unites integrand the program.


This paper presented:

- The results of the telehealth applied in pediatric patients, form 2nd to 3rd medical attention level in two years.

-The analysis of the incidence specialties with use of the telehealth program

-The hopes with the results to detection, treatment and control of the pathologies and prevention by nationals regions.

 -The result to stopped unnecessary patients translates with the same medical attention and down the unnecessary psychological impact to the family and the child��s with the insertion in the biggest cities.

-The economical impact to the Social Security and Services to State Workers Institute in the use of this technology to pediatrics patients, with consult, diagnosis, treatment and control distance less.