Juarez MIE, Martin J, Mejia AJM, Sciandra RM, Gonzalez SH
Pediatrics Hospital, Mexican Institute of Social Security, Mexico
Objectives: To determine the
frequency of risk factors associated with hypercholesterolemia in an
Method: Cross-sectional
analytical study. 412 adolescents from 12 to 16 years old were studied. A
sample of 3ml of blood was obtained from them, after 12 hours of fast and
15 minutes of resting, to know cholesterol levels. A questionary was
applied to all the parents about the risk factors of their childreen.
Relative Risk (RR) was obtained with al interval of confidence of 95%, it
was used the program Epi Info 6.
Results: 23% (96)of the
adolecents had levels of cholesterol in borderline and 12.4% (51) had
hypercholesterolemia. The association between adolescents with
hypercholesterolemia and risk factors was: RR 3.72 (p<0.005) in those
adolescents with family history of myocardial infarction in their parents,
RR 4.03 p<0.005) whith the famiy history was on their uncle or ants, RR
2.63 (p<0.005) with family history of hypercholesterolemia,RR 1.15 with
family history of Obesity (NS)and RR 2.42 (P<0.05) with family history
of Diabetes Mellitus in their parents.
Conclusions: It was confirmed
that risk factors such as family history of miocardial infarction, familiar
hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes mellitus represent a risk to become
hypercholesterolemic in any moment of their pediatrics life and in the long
time. It is neccesary to realize an opportune identification in order to
start management to decrese morbility and mortality cause cardiovascular
disease. So it's necesary all pediatrician know the risk factors for
hypercholesterolemia and look for them in every child undergoes clinical