Xiang L, Liu S-Y, Jiang Z-F

Beijing Children��s Hospital, Beijing, China


Objective: To detect changes in exhaled nitric oxide (NO) in children with asthma.

Methods: The concentration of exhaled NO was measured by chemiluminescence method in 128 normal children (7-12years of age) and 76 asthmatic children (6-14years of age). The FEV1% of asthmatic children was measured by a spirometer at the same time. The authors monitored the changes in exhaled NO and airway responsiveness in 21 asthmatic children for 8 months after treatment.

Results: The concentration of exhaled NO of asthmatic children was significantly higher than that of the normal children (39��21 ppb vs 23��13 ppb,P<0.001). The analysis on FEV1% and exhaled NO of 76 asthmatic children showed no significant correlation. Decreased exhaled NO and degree of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in remission state after treatment of 2 weeks (27��9 ppb vs 44��18 ppb, P<0.05) were found among the 11 asthmatic children treated with inhaled glucocorticoids, while these two indexes did not change significantly among the other 10 asthmatic children who did not receive inhaled glucocorticoids (P>0.05).

Conclusion: Asthmatic children present increased concentration of exhaled NO. Inhaled glucocorticoids can decrease concentration of exhaled NO and degree of AHR.