J. Garrido Garc��a; M. Molina Hoya; R. Santana Delgado; E. Narbona L��pez; E. M. Sena Ruiz.

Universitary Hospital ��San Cecilio��, Granada, Spain


Objective: To show the utility of these markers in neonatal age to follow the fosfocalcic methabolism and bone formation in some special situations of neonatal age (preterm newborns, diabetic mother´s sons��), and their answer to threatments or suplementary nutritional intakes.

Methods: 30 newborns whose samples were recolected between January and March of this year. The samples were taken from arterious and venous blood in umbilical cord and mother blood after delibery. We study in these samples colagen I telopeptid and procolagen I. Once we have the results, they were analized by informatic programs to find significative differences between origin, gestational age, weight and other markers like osteocalcine.

Results: Using Microsoft Excel´2000 for a<0.05: there aren´t significative difference between procolagen and telopeptide in arterial and venous samples. There are significative differences between the mother samples and the samples from the newborns: the markers are very much higher in cord samples than in the mother ones. There aren´t differences by sex, weight or gestational age.

Conclusion: Newborn samples show a bigger activity of bone methabolism than in the mother ones. Both studied markers show almost exclusively the fetal production of them due to their big difference with mother´s blood. So they are two adequate markers for bone methabolism in neonatal age since delibery.