pertussis as an etiologic agent of protracted cough
F, Mostafa N, El-Khouly A, and
Reda A
New Children��s Hospital, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt
Objective: To assess whether Bordetella pertussis
can be the causative agent for protracted cough in patients referred to
Asthma and Allergy O.P. clinic.
Methods: IgA & IgG antibodies to filamentous
haemagglutiin antigen (FHA) were measured by Virotech ELISA test, as well
as total serum IgE by ELISA test, in 59 children, 6-12 yrs old, who did not
receive booster vaccination after 1 ½ yrs of age.
Results: 18.4% of patients had +ve IgA antibodies
and 11.9% had +ve IgG antibodies to FHA, while only 5% had +ve
nasopharyngeal swab culture. IgE level was non correlating.
Conclusions: Bordetella pertussis infection should be
kept in mind when dealing with protracted cough. Missed booster dose at 4-6
yrs may be an important risk factor. Measurement of serum antibodies to FHA
is more sensitive for diagnosis than nasopharyngeal swab culture.