Screening for phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism in China
Xin Hua Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical
University, Shanghai, China
Screening for some diseases has gained great acceptance and provides a good
example of the tremendous achievements in the field of preventive medicine.
Neonatal Screening for some diseases has gained great acceptance and
provides a good example of the tremendous achievements in the field of
preventive medicine To prevent main causes of mental retardation, the
neonatal screening for phenylketonuria (PKU) and congenital hypothyroidism
(CH) was introduced in mainland China since early of 1980's.
to 2.2 million newborn screenings data collected from major screening
laboratories in passed years, the incidence of phenylketonuria was 1:11 188
and the CH was 1:3 624. A quality control laboratory was established in
Beijing from 1999 and it is done 3 times per year. At present, the coverage
rate of neonatal screening is near 5%. However in some big cities like
Shanghai and Beijing, the coverage rate reached more than 95%.
As a
developing country, economic conditions are different from region to region,
it is still a big challenge for nationwide screening program. To gradually
increase the national coverage rate of neonatal screening, we should
training more stuff concerning neonatal screening and to apply more new
techniques in neonatal screening such as tandem mass technique, development
of Internet network system between neonatal screening laboratories.