promoter SEQUENCE analysis of CYP21 AND CYP21P GENE

Wang XM, Han B, Gu XF

Department of Research Center, XinHua Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai, China


Objective�� To analyze promoter sequence of CYP21 and CYP21P gene in 27 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH) and in normal control (50 Chinese and 6 European).

Methods�� A 1.5 kb fragment of CYP21 genes containing -770bp to -1bp promoter sequence was amplified by specific PCR primer, the PCR product was studied by DNA sequencing, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using restriction endonuclease Bst�� and Msl��.

Results�� According to Genebank number of M12792 M23280(CYP21 gene) and M12793(CYP21P gene), four nucleotide variations were detected in the promoter of CYP21 gene: -352T to G,-349insG,-332insG,-281insT and three nucleotide variations were found in the promoter of CYP21P gene: -352T��G,-328insG and -279insG. All variations were confirmed in CAH group and control group (Chinese and European) in all person.

Conclusions�� The nucleotide variations that we found in promoter of CYP21 gene and CYP21P gene should be normal sequence.