0.05). All cortical potentials N20 were recorded from 60 sides in 30 healthy neonates, however, only 48 waves were obtained in noenates with high-risk factors. The rate of abnormality in neonatal period was obviously higher than that in 12 months of age, p<0.05. 30 subjects were examined at 12 months of age, 23 cases developed normal, the rest 7 cases suffered from various neurological sequelaes, whose MNSEP showed continuously abnormal at all period. Conclusion: In high-risk neonates, was found abnormal MNSEP, expressed as increasing CCT, absence of the wave N20 in one or both sides. MNSEP is a non-invase, safe, sensitive and economic supplementary method, can be used to monitor patient��s condition and predict the prognosis in the infants with high-risk factors. " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">0963