12mg/ dl,n=10) and the mild jaundice group (serum bilirubin<12mg/dl, n=11��.There is no significant difference of TFPI level between severe group and mild group (p>0.05). TF level in severe group was higher than mild group (216.21��78.72 vs.140.91��62.96, P<0.01), while TFPI/TF lower than mild group (99.66��30.19 vs. 171.49��74.20). Conclusion: Infection could induce imbalance between the coagulation inhibition and activation in newborn. Hyperbilirubinemia could aggravate the imbalance by enhancing TF expression in the body. Recombinant TFPI may be effective as a treatment for severe jaundiced newborns with infection to restore the balance between coagulation inhibition and coagulation activation and to prevent DIC. " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">0951