Li W1, Ma P-R2, Wang Y2, Han X-ZH2, Wang Y-L2

1Dept. of Pediatrics, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, China

2Shandong Provincial Hospital


Objective: To determine the role of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) point mutation and deletions in the etiology of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) .

Methods: 15 child patients with DCM, 13 cases with acute myocarditis (disease course less than 3 months) and 10 healthy children were investigated. mtDNA point mutation was detected by PCR and heteroduplex analysis. PCR was used to detect 5Kb and 7.4Kb mtDNA deletions.

Results: mtDNA point mutation was detected in 6 cases (6/15, 40%) with DCM from blood samples. Point mutations were found in a boy with familial DCM and his asymptomatic mother. mtDNA point mutation also existed in 1 of 13 patients with acute myocarditis, but not founded in healthy children. All children detected had 5Kb and 7.4Kb mtDNA deletions, but the amount of deleted 5Kb mtDNA in DCM patients were higher than those of myocarditis patients and healthy children��7.97%��3.51% , 2.5%��1.64% and 2.28% �� 1.76%��respectively, P < 0.05��.

Conclusion: mtDNA point mutations and deletions were associated with part of DCM.