One Formula of ��Total Nutrient Admixture�� for the Peripheral Venous Nutrition in Newborn, Infants and Children

Li M-J, Zhang C, Zhang S-C, Ge Y-P

Dept .of Pediatric Surgery, Children's Hospital��Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China


Objective: To introduce a formula of TNA (Total nutrient admixture) that can be used in newborn, infants and children for peripheral venous nutrition.

Methods: TNA consist of glucose, compound 17-amino acid and 20% Intralipid etc. The total caloric intake was 65kca (271kJ) /100ml. Nonprotein caloric intake of lipid was 45%. The requirement of TNA calculated according to the daily requirement of water in terms of weight. The character and stability of TNA were studied. Each 10 cases of newborn, infants aged 1~12 months and children aged 1~7 years received TNA per peripheral venous postoperative for 7 days. Patients in control group (n=30) received 4:1 sol infusion.

Results: pH, Osmotic pressure and The diameter of particle of TNA were no change when it was put in 22�� for 24hours. Clinic application showed: 2 cases (2/30) had mild vasculitis and 1 case (1/30) had mild increase of triglyceride, no other side effects were found. Prealbumin in plasma was improved in TNA group.

Conclusions: This simplified formula of TNA can be safely used in newborn, infants and children for short term total or partial peripheral parenteral nutrition.