Detection of IL-4 proximal promoter mutation of asthmatic patients and preliminary analysis

Zhou YF, Li CR, Wu JM, Lam Wk

1 Shenzhen Children��s Hospital, Shenzhen, China

2 Molecular Biological Laboratory of Union Hospital of Tongji Medical University

3 Department of Chemical Pathology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Objective: To clone and detect mutation sites within interleukin-4 (IL-4) promoter of asthmatic patients.

Methods: The IL-4 proximal promoter segments were obtained by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with genomic DNA as template .Four patients�� samples were selected from thirty asthmatic patients and twenty healthy children through PCR and single strand conformation polymorphysim��PCR-SSCP��. The PCR segments of the four patients were cloned into plasmids JX2. The PCR inserts were sequenced by dideoxy chain termination method in the end.

Results: The IL-4 proximal promoter sequences of the normal child were the same as the sequences of the gene pool. Some new potential important sites were found: (1) A C to A transversion located at -229 position was just within PRE-I element in one patient. (2) A C to T transition adjacent to NRE-II elements and an extra G adjacent to TATA box were found in two patients. (3) A five bases nucleotide deletion was found near STAT-6 RE element in one patient.

Conclusion: Multiple allelic forms of the human IL-4 promoter do exist within asthmatic patients. These polymorphism sites might result in aberrant expression of IL-4 gene.