0.05). Comparison group treatment was used to find cause of disease, cure idiopathic disease, resist shock and inject cametadane into the veins. On the basis of comparison group treatment, the patients were added to take orally and injure with stomach tube the styptic powder, which consists of Xueji, hairyvein agrimony and Chinese rhubarb. It was ground into fine powder, and dregs were discarded for 0.5/kg. Mix it into mush with cold boiled water, and take it each time every two hours for three days. Results: Period to stop bleeding for experimental treatment group is 26.5��10.7h, while the one of comparison group is 55.9��20.6h. There were 16 patients gaining the effective treatment for the experimental treatment group, the effective rate is 76.2%. There were 9 patients gaining the effective treatment for the comparison group, the effective rate is 40.8%. There was no obvious difference for the total effective rate of the two groups (P>0.05), but there was obvious difference for the effective rate of the two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion: AGML means that under the action of attack factors, organism makes mucosa to devastate and acute lesion of surface ulcer and leads to bleeding of alimentary canal. It is one of the critically ill for paediatrics. This method is mainly to be used to relieve inflammation or internal heat, stop bleeding and reduce stasis. Xueji is most efficacious to be astringent, stop bleeding and blood congealing in order to improve brittleness of blood vessel and prevent lesion of gastric mucosa, promote to heal ulcer, and raise blood flow of gastric mucosa. Hairyvein agrimony possesses blood stopping and astringent. It contains Vitamin K and can reduce the period of blood congealing herbs and they are real bargain, so it is an effective method to cure bleeding of alimentary canal for paediatrics. " v:shapes="_x0000_s1026">0788