Liu J-P��Yu X-Q��Yu S-F

Hospital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China


Objective: Chengguanzhen of Qingshuihe County, Inner Mongolia, is a small town that has only one street running from east to west and mountains on both its north and south sides. Close to the residential area, at both the east and west ends, there stand two cement plants, the east one being built 10 years ago and the west one having a history of more than 20 years. In recent years, a number of childhood leukemia cases have been found among those who live in the vicinity of the plants. The aim of this investigation is to find out the cause of childhood leukemia in this area and to ascertain if childhood leukemia is related to the pollution of the cement plants.

Methods: 1. An epidemiological investigation on leukemia of the past two years is being conducted in this area; 2. Survey and analysis of chemical elements and radioactivity in the air, water and soil of the area will be made; 3. To analyze the chemical elements in the blood and hair of leukemia patients (both the newly discovered ones and the survivals) in contrast with those of normal people.

Results:       According to preliminary investigation, 21 leukemia cases have been found in the vicinity of the two cement plants in the past 2 years, 15 of the patients are childhood leukemia, accounting for 71.4%.

Conclusion: According to the preliminary study, childhood leukemia in the area might be significantly associated with the pollution of the cement plants. The investigation is still in progress.