Wang H-Y��Zhang Y-Z��Na Q

Women and children Health Hospital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China


Objective: To popularize ABCDE resuscitation method of the grass-roots level in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in order to reduce the death rate of newborn babies and the rate of the disabled.

Methods: By conducting training and practice causes and by our teaching and demonstration at the grass-roots level, we trained the obstetericians and the pediatricians in 12 leagues and 42 counties. At the same time, 503 complete sets of resuscitation, 130 infrared rays rescued tables, 168 newborn baby culture cases were provided to the clinics and hospital at grass-roots level by women and children project office of Inner Mongolia Health Bureau.

Result: Serious newborn babies suffocation cases is shortened from 16.75 minutes to 10.20 minutes (p<0.05). The death rate is lowered from 13.77% to 4.12% (p<0.05). The trained obstetricians and pediatricians have generally mastered the new ABCDE method.

Conclusion: The key to successfully save newborn baby from suffocation lies in correct and timely resuscitation in delivery room. The new ABCDE method emphasizes on the initial clearing of respiratory tract so as to maintain the baby��s breathing and circulating functions and reduce heart and brain oxygen consumption as soon as possible. The new method is easy to learn and the effect of the resuscitation is superior to the old one. It is suitable to put into use at the grass-roots level.