Yan,Jiang Chun Ming,Wang Ji Mei
First Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin, China
Objective: Brainstem auditory evoked potential
(BAEP) was taken in high risk noenates during admission and half year later
respectly,the noenates were with moderate and severe hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy (HIE), hyperbilirubinea, premature infants with respiratory
ditress syndrome (RDS) accepted the treatment of mechanical ventilation ,to
observe the effects of disease on eighth nerve, to find hearing loss
patients early, to define character of hearing loss (central or conductive)
and to intervene earlier.
Methods: The patients were examined at quiet
state with EVOMATL C8000 type evoked potential equipment. Record electrode
was placed in the middle of the head, reference electrode was placed at the
back of the ear and land pole was placed on the forehead. Resistence
between electrode was small than 5K��. One
ear was stimulated by 102 dB, the other ear was accepted 72 dB noise
without foundational stimulatation. The analytic time was 10ms. Frequency
was 12HZ. Stimulatation was superimposed 1000 times. The bilateral ears
were stimulated respectively and repeated twice. Record the latency, term
potentiation of the waves and that of the peak, compare the difference of
the records of the two ears.
Results: The group of HIE :��wave prolonged 24 cases of 58 (24/58), latency
of ��wave prolonged 12 cases(12/58).40 cases HIE were
examined half year later,��wave prolonged 3 cases (3/40), ��wave prolonged 3 cases(3/40). The group of
hyperbilirubinea: During admission amptitude of ��wave decreased 6 cases(6/12),��wave prolonged 8 cases(8/12).10 cases were
examined six months later,��prolonged 2 cases (2/10),evoked potential did not appear in 2
cases ,and clinical presentation was neural hearing loss. The group of
premature neonate: Amplitude of each wave was low during admission, six
months later every wave were apparent, but amplitude was low.��wave prolonged 2 cases(2/6),��wave prolonged 1 cases(1/6), clinical presentation
was poor at hearing.
Conclusions: BAEP can check up hearing of neonates
and high risks neonates accurately, repond the conduction of hearing nerve
ending and the state of the brain. Most HIE patients rehabilatate well, the
better the rehabilitation the hearing the better of the other aspect of
nerve system. Hyperbilirubinea has important effect on conduction of
central hearing. The hearing of two patients with high bilirubin were
impaired severely, the two patients presented central hearing loss. The
BAEP of premature neonates were all bad during their admission, but six
months later were almost normal, this suggested that central nerve system
of premature neonates develop unmature, their early BAEP could not define
their prognosis.