Legius M.J.M
Fontys School
of Nursing, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Objective: Clarify
which elements define the complexity of professional activities of child
nursing. Describing and understanding professional practice in child
In phase one nine child nurses were interviewed about the elements
they assume to be identifying the complexity of professional activities of
child nursing. In phase two the results of phase one are used to design a
list of factors who identify the complexity of professional activities of
child nursing; the first round of the Delphi questionnaire. A panel of 17
qualified persons has given their feedback on both the first and second
round of the Delphi questionnaire. The results of round one are processed
in round two.
This study has resulted in a unique list of 65 factors that are
identifying the complexity of professional activities of child nursing.
These factors are classified in three categories: nursing situation,
expertise of the child nurse and organization. The category nursing
situation is the largest one and has 30 factors, split in the categories
child, parents and family circumstances. The results show that the ten most
identifying factors are factors within the nursing situation.
Decision-making and carrying out interventions are the two factors
that generate the elements of complexity of professional activities of
child nursing. These two factors can be discriminated in the concept of
professional activities but are inseparable when determining elements of