Yang Chuanzhong, Xiao Lijun

Shenzhen Women and Children��s Hospital, Shenzhen, China


Objective: To study the cause of neonatal jaundice in recent ten years.

Method: The cause of 2908 patients with neonatal jaundice in this hospital during the past 10 years was reviewed. In addition, the genetic predisposition of erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency of newborn infant was studied.

Results: There are 2908 newborn infants with jaundice (31.2%) in all 9337 admission neonate in our hospital during the past 10 years. The patients with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and bilirubin encephalopathy among all neonate jaundice hold 95.2% and 1.4% individually. The first three important diseases that result in neonatal jaundice is: neonatal G6PD deficiency; pneumonia of newborn and hemolytic disease of the newborn due to A and B incompatibility, holding 31.3%; 16.8% and 14.1% for all neonatal jaundice. Especially, there are 0.5% and 0.1% of newborn infants with jaundice that result from ��- and ��- thalassemia. In addition, 66.7% newborn infants with erythrocyte G6PD deficiency are boys and 33.3% girls. A wide investigation to their parents shows: there are 35.6% of infant��s mother who have erythrocyte enzyme deficiency, 17.8% of their father and both of their parents with this deficiency hold 13.8%.

Conclusion: Although Shenzhen is an immigrant city, the incidence of neonatal jaundice is significant high. We suggest that erythrocyte G6PD deficiency of newborn infant were an important disease that induces to neonatal jaundice in this area. Infection and hemolytic disease of the newborn due to blood type incompatibility were another main reason. Investigation show that erythrocyte G6PD deficiency of newborn infant fit to incomplete sex linked dominant hereditary disorder.