Clinical features of Kawasaki disease in different age group

Liao JX, Qiu BM, Yang YP, Xia P, Li CG, Li CR

Shenzhen Children��s Hospital, Shenzhen, China 518026


Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics of Kawasaki disease.

Methods: Retrospectively chart review of children with Kawasaki disease between 1997 and 2001.

Results: Of 61 patients, 16(22.54%) were less than one year of age (group A), 38(53.52%) were more than one year of age but less than three years (group B), 14(19.72%) were more than three years of age but less than six(group C), only two were more than six years of age(group D). Among these four age group 10, 17, 4, and 2 developed coronary artery dilatation (CAD) respectively. Compared with group C group A had significantly more patients developed CAD(p��0.05). The total rate of CAD was 45%(30/71), 9(30%) of these developed CAD within seven days after the disease onset. Treated with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin, only one patient developed coronary aneurysms (CAA) by one month. There were altogether ten cases whose manifestations were atypical, and no significant difference was found among four groups.

Conclusions: CAD was a major complication of Kawasaki disease, and infants less than one year of age was more likely involved. High dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy could effectively prevented CAA.