Case report: Carbamazepine Dependent Antiplatelet Antibody and Antiepipeptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome

Liao JX1, Xiao YH1, Yi BH1, Wang LH2, Li CR1

1Epilepsy Centre, Shenzhen Children��s Hospital, Shenzhen 518026, China

2Blood Transfusion Institute


Introduction: Carbamazepine induced severe concomitant thrombocytopenia and rashes are uncommon. The mechanism underlying antiepipeptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome of carbamazepine has not been elucidated.

Case Report: The female patient was nine years old, she was prescribed carbamazepine as an antiepileptic drug for epilepsy, 0.4 grams daily. Ten days later she had fever, measles-like rashes and petechial rashes, and thrombocytopenia simultaneously. Her peripheral blood platelet was 35,000-40,000 counts/Liter. She was treated with steroids, and the carbamazepine discontinued. On the fifth day, the platelet was increased to 90,000 counts/Liter, fever was gone and rashes decreased, on the ninth day, the platelet count was normal and the rashes were disappeared, and she was discharged. Very interestingly, with flow cytometry technique and ELISA we detected carbamazepine dependendent antiplaetlet antibodies in the patient��s serum extracted on the second day after the rashes occurred, but no homogeneous and autoimmune antiplatelet antibodies were detected.

Conclusion: The carbamazepine dependent antiplatelet antibodies may be responsible for the drug induced thrombocytopenia,fever and rashes. The exact immunological mechamism of antiepipeptic drug hypersensitivity syndrome of carbamazepine are being investigated further.